
6697 Highway 15
Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0

Adding silicon to soil can help control clubroot in canola

Clubroot in canola can be reduced by up to 46% This article and  study discuss the metabolic and physical changes that silicon provides canola. Silicon consistently shows improvements in plant metabolism enabling the plant to have more of the powerful molecules that attack the disease internally while at the same time silicon accumulates in cell […]

Got calcium? Mineral key to restoring forests

Here is an older article that provides an excellent summary of a longterm study looking at the impacts of wollastonite addition to a forest ecosystem.  For example, the treated watershed produced 21% more wood over a 10 year period. That is a huge amount of organic carbon capture and represents a massive potential for forests […]

Solutions to climate change will come in sorts of shapes and sizes

This article is from the higher-tech side of carbon sequestration solutions and features a process of storing carbon by cooling and pressurizing CO2 and then injecting it with water deep into the earth’s crust where it will react with silicates to form magnesium and calcium carbonates. These are minerals (rocks) that permanently store carbon deep […]