
6697 Highway 15
Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0

All about biogenic silicon and trees (it is good news)

We’re diving into trees this week. On the silicon side, trees are a top-tier recycler. With leaf removal in city parks and many residential properties, we’re seeing a huge loss of nutrients to the system, especially silicon. High-five to the municipalities and citizens who have switched to mulching leaves in place. The trees and the […]

Adding rock dust to farmer’s fields captures carbon and boosts yields

Large-scale field trials of rock dust applications in agriculture are precisely what we need to harness the benefits of applying crushed calcium and magnesium silicates to agricultural fields. This summary reports on the early findings of a study currently in progress. The benefits of applying rock dust to agricultural fields are wide-ranging and economically affordable […]

Adding wollastonite to roof top and urban agriculture soils can fix 1% of global carbon dioxide emissions

In this month’s issue of Environmental Science & Technology three researchers we work closely with at Guelph University, Ontario published an article making the case for carbon sequestration by using wollastonite in rooftop soils everywhere. If all the available urban roof space around the world contained plants and soils with wollastonite, 1% of global carbon […]