
6697 Highway 15
Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0

Positive trial results (again) for the use of wollastonite in growing high-quality pesticide-free cannabis

Wollastonite can greatly improve pest and disease tolerance for many crops including cannabis. Increasing silicon availability in the soil and therefore uptake into the plant improves internal immune system responses and can provide a physical fortification as silicon accumulates in cell wall tissue. The following trial summary demonstrates a strong case for the use of […]

Big results are in for the benefits of wollastonite in cannabis production

Wollastonite has demonstrated great benefits with silicon intensive monocot crops and as expected, this carries through to cannabis. The use of wollastonite in greenhouse production has routinely shown positive benefits for crop quality and production. The results summarized at the link below are above our expectations, but we can easily see the possibility from the multiple […]

Calcium, the king of crop nutrients, may have found a new queen: silicon

The title of this post is from a new article we came across from a fertilizer manufacturer and retailer with some interesting observations about the power of silicon and calcium, both nutrients that are naturally found at high concentrations in Canadian Wollastonite. The article describes multiple benefits of calcium and silicon: thicker cell walls, increased […]

Canadian Wollastonite is an Ideal Amendment for Outdoor Cannabis Production

With the recent approval of small-scale outdoor Cannabis production in Canada, growers will be looking for premium fertilizer and soil amendment products. The yield and disease tolerance benefits of plant-available silicon have been shown across a wide range of crop types. Wollastonite is a proven low cost and easy to apply source of silicon and […]