
6697 Highway 15
Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0

Farmer to Farmer

Scientific research supports and demonstrates many unique benefits wollastonite use has on a wide range of crops and soil types.

We collect and summarize observations from growers using Canadian Wollastonite. Feel free to contact us with your experience or questions.

Wollastonite In the soil




Longer Shelf Life Lettuce, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries Less spoilage, better inventory management
Increased Yield Annual Herbs, Spinach, Lettuce More cuts in with and without comparison, better regrowth
Extended Length of Harvest Kale, Collards Increased yield per bed foot and profitability
Enhanced root growth Lettuce, Tomatoes, Chinese Cabbage, Spinach Observed in with and without comparison
Reduced lodging Peppers Reduced labour cost, improved fruit yield and quality
Reduced damage from slugs Salad Greens, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower Drastically reduced slug presence and damage
Less crop loss to disease Strawberries, Tomatoes Extended the harvest period with less disease pressure which increased the profitability of the crop
Longer Shelf Life Lettuce, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage, Strawberries Less spoilage, better inventory management
Reduced transplant shock  Mixed vegetables Seedlings recovered faster, better quality overall


Farmer & Grower Profiles



Droogendyk Market Garden, South-Western Ontario
: Mixed vegetables
Usage: 3/4 tonne/acre on over 50 acres
Soil type: Sandy Loam
Main benefits: Increased yields, longer shelf life
Photo: Droogendyk Market Garden


Fairgreen Sod Farms, South-Western Ontario
Sod, Cash crops
Usage: Applied bi-annually at 2 tonnes/acre
Soil type: A broad range of light sands to clay loam
Main benefits: Sod – Improved drought resistance and recovery, reduced grub pressure. Cash crops – Reduced lodging, increased yield during drought
Photo: Fairgreen Sod Farms

Neubrand Produce, South-Western Ontario
Tomatoes, salad greens, carrots, spinach
Usage: Applied annually before transplant and seeding at 4 tonnes/acre
Soil type: Clay Loam
Main benefits: Drastic reduction in slug pressure, increased root growth
Photo: Neubrand Produce

Van Elswyk Farms, South-Western Ontario
 Used with broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower
Usage: Applied annually on the soil before transplant at 1 tonne/hectare/year
Soil type: Sandy Loam
Main benefits: Spraying less from reduced pest pressure (cabbage loopers, diamondback moths), increased plant health and crop storage in a drought and a wet year with greater yields compared with local farms, reduced need for crop rotation. Postharvest benefits: no yellowing on cauliflower leaves in storage at two-weeks, improved shelf life for broccoli and cabbage
Photo: Van Elswyk Farms



Raymont Berry Farm, Essex, Ontario
Crops:  Strawberry
Usage: 2-3 tonnes per acre / year applied with lime spreader
Soil type: Sandy
Main benefits: Increased soil pH with added benefit of silicon to replace use of an expensive silicon foliar product.  Improved berry quality and firmness while increasing yield with increasing N applications.