
6697 Highway 15
Seeleys Bay, ON K0H 2N0

This unique study summarizes three previous studies highlighting the multiple benefits of growing plants with crushed silicates, focusing on wollastonite.




Here is a figure from this study showing how the three previous studies relate and demonstrate their findings :


Links to studies summarized above:

Study 1: Co-Benefits of Wollastonite Weathering in Agriculture: CO2 Sequestration and Promoted Plant Growth

Study 2: CO2 sequestration by wollastonite-amended agricultural soils – An Ontario field study

Study 3: Results presented in the full study, linked below.

The full study: Mineral–Soil–Plant–Nutrient Synergisms of Enhanced Weathering for Agriculture: Short-Term Investigations Using Fast-Weathering Wollastonite Skarn.pdf

Canadian Wollastonite is a proud supporter and partner of these three groundbreaking research studies.